Tuesday, December 17, 2013

New Apartment

As someone who can still return to my childhood home to this day, I was, until recently, unaware of the joys (and perils) of moving.  Most people probably only think of perils (and I understand why), but I find something truly thought-provoking, like an intricate math equation, about a new space.

Let's first talk perils:

1) Seeing how much shit you actually have, even beyond what you see everyday (I'm thinking the nooks and crannies you open once a year).

2) The realization that you will need to move all of that stuff.

3) Putting out your friends for help with the move or putting your faith and money in movers.

4) UHaul Rentals in Manhattan (if this list had a discernible order, this would certainly be at the top of the worst list)

And now joys:

1) Purging the stuff you realize you no longer need (truly nothing in the world feels better).

2) Working out the new configurations and use of space that's best for you (and whomever you share your home with).

3) The consistent feelings of accomplishment when you a) pack your last box, b) carry up your last load of stuff, c) discover something you've owned forever that solves a problem in your new home, and d) unpack your last box (however long that takes you: no judgment!)

Now, full disclosure: I moved into yet another new apartment on December 1st!  And so far I am absolutely loving it!  It is a 1-bedroom in my same neighborhood of Brooklyn, Crown Heights.  I am still getting things together, but I'll leave you with a few teaser photos before I go (my apologies for the shitty iPhone shots, but it's what I'm working with right now).

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